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Staying Safe at Height

By June 11, 2020No Comments

Whenever you plan to undertake any construction work at height the very first consideration should always be the safety of everyone involved in the project. Working at an elevated position presents many potential dangers and pitfalls, even at a seemingly low height. Whether you are a DIY enthusiast doing work on the family home or a seasoned professional, there are always uncertainties in working at an elevated level.

At Vetner we want to ensure that you are always working in the safest of environments. That is why we are here to advise you on the proper equipment and procedures which must always be utilised when working at height. We want our customers to stay healthy and productive whilst they work by considering some of the following tips.

Stay Up to Date on Safety

Make sure that you are always aware of all the latest safety technology, procedures and practices involved in working at a suspended site. By attending training or information sessions on a regular basis you can successfully keep up to date with all the latest information needed to maintain proper workplace safety. A little time spent reading current information and learning new methodologies can save a lot of hassle and stress at a later date. Don’t be caught with information and structures that are not recent and can lead to dangerous situations. Instead stay in the loop and keep everyone safe and sound with the latest safety precautions.

H3: Proper Scaffolding and Equipment

The most important thing in enacting safety procedures is having the proper safety equipment at all times. This starts with setting up the appropriate scaffolding and trestles around your worksite. Trestles, scaffolding and planks should always be implemented in any elevated site to ensure the safety of all workers. With so much at stake you should never skimp on costs and purchase anything but the best safety equipment.

Never Cut Corners

What is the point in saving a modicum of time or money when the end result is a worksite that is rife with potential danger for everyone involved? There is never an appropriate time to cut corners and attempt shortcuts on any worksite, amateur or professional. The consequences of a work area that is not properly inspected and scaffolded can be potentially fatal. With so much at stake there is never any excuse to not complete the proper safety precautions. There have been far too many accidents in the construction industry, which have been entirely avoidable and completely irrevocable. Never put your or your work partners’ lives in jeopardy and always complete the recommended safety measures.

Stay Alert

If you stay alert and keep your wits about you at all times you can greatly reduce the number of workplace accidents that haunt the industry. You should never step foot on any elevated work podium without always being 100% concentrated and in the moment. Too often are we off in another world thinking about tomorrow’s plans or today’s problems, when instead you should be always keeping your mind on the job. Follow this simple tip and make sure you don’t fall victim to a costly injury.

Vetner seeks to always make sure that our customers are properly informed and well equipped on any site that requires work at a height above the ground. Contact us today to learn about possible scaffolding options.

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