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Is Your Concrete Machinery Up to Date? If Not, It Might Be Costing You Money

By June 11, 2020No Comments

If you’re in the concrete trade, you may or may not have had time to think about your equipment. Most concreters are so busy they barely have time to blink before the next job. That can be a problem.

If you’re still using old-style equipment, you may be getting less bang for your equipment budget than you think. Even the hardworking old concrete mixer may be past expiry date. Old brick saws, compactors and rammers add to the problem. You’re working hard, sure, but are you getting the value you want from all that hard work?

New concrete machinery is far more productive, and let’s face it, better. Nobody will ever deny that a good piece of equipment is worth its weight in gold, but how long can it work? Sooner or later, you’ll have to upgrade.

From the purely business perspective, your next upgrade is inevitable. The problem is that the longer you put it off, the more gear you’ll have to replace. Old gear can also break down more often, causing downtime and delays. This is the point at which old equipment becomes more expensive than it’s worth.

Now the Good News: Upgrading is Cost-Positive

New equipment isn’t just more expense. It delivers much better productivity, more capacity for bigger jobs, and other useful business values.

For example:

  • Concrete mixers: Upgrade to a higher capacity, and your workflow speeds up. New concrete mixers can deliver excellent loads faster and more cost-effectively.
  • Budget: You can acquire exactly what you want, including top brand equipment online, on a clearly defined cost base. No guesswork, no desperate additional buying to deal with a crisis caused by a broken down cement mixer, etc.
  • Parts and extras: You can also source all your other gear at the same time, and within budget.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? Do yourself and your business a favour and upgrade the way you want to upgrade.

The Easy Way to Upgrade is Online

You can do an entire purchasing program online in a few minutes. You can get all your gear, top brands, good, reliable equipment, and everything you want with a few clicks.

Sourcing online is far more cost-efficient. The online suppliers have very competitive prices. Specialist concrete machinery suppliers are even better. They only stock the top brands, because they know Australian concreters won’t even look at inferior equipment.

The other huge advantage of specialist suppliers online is that you can talk to people who speak your language. They know it matters that your mixer is a good heavy duty machine that can handle ridiculous amounts of work. They know you need a brick saw that actually cuts bricks properly.

They also know that professional concreters don’t want to muck around and need everything yesterday or preferably sooner. That makes them very reliable suppliers when you want things done fast. Check out your options online; we think you’ll like what you see.

Looking for Concrete Machinery Online? Vetner is the Answer

For all your concrete machinery needs, just call Vetner or contact us online. See our local stores in Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and the Sunshine Coast for all the gear you need. We’ll give you a great deal and great service.

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